And it should be quite amazing. Fantastic, actually. I am working at a Boy Scout camp as a merit badge counselor. This will be my first year and first time being at this camp. This will be my second time working on summer camp staff for the BSA though. With this camp, compared to the one I worked last year, I should have an easier time with getting to know people and such because there are no preconceptions at this camp about myself. This should be nice and help out a lot since people talked about me a lot before I got to summer camp last year and they caused many problems for me due to that.
Also, there are only about 6 females on staff so that means considerably less girl drama. This makes me so happy considering that my problems last year stemmed from the girls at the camp being what I guess can be called jealous of me. I am the type of girl who does their best and can be herself completely around a guy before even breathing a word to a girl. Other girls basically just make me nervous. They are very judging and non-accepting of me, or at least, that's what I have always experienced with other girls. So hopefully, this year ends up being more drama free for me.
I have not been working on my fruits basket characters since I have needed as much time to pack as possible. I am going to be hours away from home and I don't know when I will have the chance to go back. I have to get everything in order before tomorrow so I don't have much time to spare.
On another random note, my local crochet group has put up a fiber arts display at our local library, and once I get a hold of the pictures, I'll post them.
For any of you that participated, what yarn bombing did you do today in honor of 'International Yarn Bomb Day?'
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